Brief in English ... from

Logo der Mitgliederzeitschrift Bechterew-Brief

The links in the table below give you a summary of the articles in the Logo Bechterew-Brief for all readers around the world.

The issue No. 93 will be the last one appearing under the title  in the small A5 format. No. 94 will carry with the title "Morbus-Bechterew-Journal" and will be published coloured in the A4 format. A working group preparing this change has looked for cost reducing possibilities, and has decided that it is not reasonable to distribute the list of branch addresses and a "Brief in English" with every issue to 17,000 German-speaking DVMB members.

The links will be open in a separate window or tab. You can close the window or tab after reading the text.


Year Summary of the magazine
1999 Bechterew-Brief Nr. 76 (March)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 77 (June)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 78 (September)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 79 (December)
2000 Bechterew-Brief Nr. 80 (March)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 81 (June)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 83 (December)
2001 Bechterew-Brief Nr. 84 (March)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 85 (June)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 86 (September)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 87 (December)
2002 Bechterew-Brief Nr. 88 (March)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 89 (June)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 90 (September)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 91 (December)
2003 Bechterew-Brief Nr. 92 (March)
Bechterew-Brief Nr. 93 (June)


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